Organisational involvement
My penchant for organisational activities began at the age of 11, when I became involved in the family business of organising medical events. I have always been keen to understand all aspects regarding an activity in which I was involved, being it education, research, or healthcare, which led me to be a part of different organisational structures.
2023 - 2024
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Graduate School of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences
Graduate School Office Manager
Employed in the Graduate School of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences on a temporary basis as the previous team left abruptly. Worked together with the Graduate School coordinator and director to improve research and academic support for PhD researchers and supervision teams. Organised and improved work flows and procedures. Updated policy and guidance.
2021 - 2023
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
University Medical Centrum Groningen, the Netherlands
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Project Manager
Received the position of project manager for the "Pronkjewail" Horizon 2020 project consortium I was a part of. Together with the project coordinator and relevant stakeholders, I performed:
Reporting on the consortium progress, including academic output, social involvement, dissemination, financial
Offered support for candidates and supervisors involved in the work packages of the consortium
Organised dissemination activities and public outreach
2014 - 2017
Trup si Suflet NGO
Project Manager
The Trup si Suflet (Body and Soul) NGO implemented several European Projects focused on vulnerable women such as women escaping abusive relationships or victims of sex trafficking. My position involved overseeing project implementation and dissemination efforts.
eCongres Medical Events
Scientific Events Organiser
Formal part-time employment in the family business.
Translating materials (Romanian-English) for the abstract book. Translation on the day of the event (simultaneous translation Romanian to English).
Copywriting written materials.
Website and print design: conference logo, programme design, abstract book, cocktail invitations etc.
Offering support on the day for conference participants, sponsors, and speakers
Board memberships
2018 - Present
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
TB and Migration Working Group
Offering support for the TB and Migration Working Group within the Union:
organising workshops and symposia
communicating with working group members via website, periodic newsletters, social media
organising periodic board meetings
drafting working group documents such as policy proposals, scientific statements, reports
2019 - 2023
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
University Medical Centrum Groningen, the Netherlands
Graduate School of Medical Sciences PhD Council
The Graduate School of Medical Sciences PhD Council represents the interests of 1600+ PhDs and is composed of representatives of the six research institutes within it.
As chair I:
oversaw all educational and networking activities organised by the PhD council with the aim of offering support during the PhD trajectories
organised educational activities complementary to the available formal training offered by the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen university
advocated for PhD support before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
regularly met with other relevant organisations and with university bodies in order to ensure policy responds to PhD needs
organised the work flow of the PhD council
2017 - 2018
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
University Medical Centrum Groningen, the Netherlands
Groningen Organisation for PhD Education and Recreation
Education Manager
The Groningen Organisation for PhD Education and Recreation represents the interests of 4000+ PhDs enrolled in the various Graduate Schools in Groningen, the Netherlands.
As educational manager I:
created an educational plan for PhD training
organised, together with academic and non-academic partners, educational events to complement the available course offering for PhD candidates (eg. Scientific Presentations and Story telling, Critical Thinking)
was part of the founding members of a PhD group focused on scientific communication and dissemination
organised, together with the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen a Career Perspectives two day Bootcamp for PhDs to learn skills needed for their future careers
Other organisational activities
Volunteer crisis centre for Ukrainian refugees
Volunteered in the largest migrant centre for Ukrainian refugees in Iasi, Romania. I performed medical tasks and organisational tasks in order to ensure the on-site medical centre had adequate staff and resources to provide medical assistance.
2012 - Present
Organising scientific events
I used my experience as an event organiser for selected events suh as the INSPIR Lung Conference 2018, The Symposium for Biology Student of Europe 2020, URSI PhD Conference 2023.
2021 - 2022
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Donar 1881 Student Fencing Club
Together with the board, we organised activities, training, and fencing competitions.
2022 - Present
Liminoid Collective
Associate member
The Liminoid Collective creates playful situations for sharing/socialization by bringing together different forms of cultural expression. I help organise and volunteer in different activities (eg. organising a musical themed treasure hunt).
2013 - 2017
Ministry of Health, Internal Medicine, Iasi training center
co-Chief of internal medicine interns
Discussed, together with the programme director, training modules scheduling, additional training activities, and existing needs of internal medicine interns.
2015 - 2017
co-Owner of Escape Room and Team Building Company
In 2015, together with my partner at the time, we created two escape rooms (one at a fixed location and one mobile) and we further organised corporate team buildings, treasure hunts, and pub quizes.